API Reference

Returns a quote for an onramp or offramp transaction.

Params Required:

  • "fromCurrency": Base currency of the trading pair.

Possible Values: USDC, ARS, BRL, MXN

  • "toCurrency": Quote currency of the trading pair.

Possible Values: USDC, ARS, BRL, MXN

Very Important: fromCurrency must be Different than toCurrency.

  • "fromAmount": Amount of base currency for quote.
  • "chain": Network for USDT transfer.

Possible Values: TRON

  • "paymentMethodType": Fiat Payment method type.

Possible Values: BANK


  • A minimum amount of 10 USDT is required (The result of the conversion to USDT between fiat and crypto).
  • A maximum amount of 1,000 USDT is possible (The result of the conversion to USDT between fiat and crypto)

Body Example:

  "fromCurrency": "MXN",
  "toCurrency": "USDT",
  "fromAmount": "1000.00",
  "chain": "TRON",  
  "paymentMethodType": "BANK"


    "quoteId": "8f3610d0-e2fc-41b5-a11b-4cb08f396dab",
    "fromCurrency": "MXN",
    "toCurrency": "USDT",
    "toAmount": "59.06675000",
    "fromAmount": "1000.00",
    "expiration": "2023-12-22T22:01:03.103Z",
    "fees": [
            "type": "Alfred Commission",
            "amount": "3.00"

Response Example: Error, unsuccessful validation of data

(Example: fromCurrency and toCurrency are Equal).

   "message": "Amount exceeds 1000 usdt ",

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!