Onboarding in Colombia

Step-by-step guide to onboard Colombia users

Create a Customer

Begin by creating a customer and saving the customerId generated in the response.

    "email": "alejandrom@yopmail.com",
    "type": "INDIVIDUAL"
    "customerId": "bd556075-da95-45d7-a006-bc1d3c0655a1",
    "createdAt": "2024-11-27T16:14:39.198Z"

Add KYC Info

Once you have created a customer, you can now add their KYC information. This will create a new KYC submissionId, which can be used to track their KYC status.

  "kycSubmission": {
    "firstName": "Liliane",
    "lastName": "Dibbert",
    "dateOfBirth": "1986-10-03",
    "country": "CO",
    "city": "Port Giovanna",
    "zipCode": "1201",
    "address": "9556 Jailyn Coves",
    "state": "South Hollystead",
    "dni": "12345678",
    "typeDocumentCol": "CC"
	"submissionId": "221f12a6-d1dc-41e3-a413-2c1cf5520041",
	"createdAt": "2025-02-18T21:39:04.470Z",
	"firstName": "Wilma",
	"lastName": "Padberg",
	"dateOfBirth": "1986-10-03",
	"country": "CO",
	"city": "Gutkowskitown",
	"zipCode": "1201",
	"address": "5243 Gusikowski Neck",
	"state": "Franciscastead",
	"dni": "12345678",
	"typeDocumentCol": "CC",

KYC Required Fields

The following is a list of all the kycRequiredFields needed to complete the KYC information. You can also use the List KYC Requirements endpoint to fetch this list using the API.

Type Document Coltruestring

Different fields accepted for type document in Colombia

The valid values for the type document col field are as follows:

{ CC = 'CC', TI = 'TI', RC = 'RC', CE = 'CE', PP = 'PP', NIT = 'NIT', NE = 'NE', }

Depending on the type of document provided by the customer, the DNI must adhere to the corresponding valid format for that specific document type:
CC (Citizenship Card): 6 to 10 digits. TI (Identity Card): 6 to 10 digits. RC (Civil Registry of Birth): 6 to 10 digits. CE (Foreign Citizenship Card): 6 to 10 digits. PP (Passport): 6 to 9 alphanumeric characters. NIT (Tax Identification Number): 9 to 12 digits. NE (Foreign NIT): 9 to 12 digits. Please ensure that the appropriate format is followed based on the selected document type.

Submit KYC

Once all of the required information and files have been uploaded, the next step is to Submit the KYC submission to be processed.

Complete KYC

In the Sandbox environment, you will need to call the Create Webhook endpoint to move the KYC into COMPLETEDstatus.

  "referenceId": "{{submissionId}}",
  "eventType": "KYC",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "metadata": null

Finally, the Customer KYC is complete. Now, it is time to add their payment method and begin transacting.